MSLIA September 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA September 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 15, 2021
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Campbell Residence

  1. Called to Order at 7:10 PM. Present: Pete S, Greg A, Chip C, Kara D, Sean H, Jeff C
  2. Minutes were approved from the July meeting – there was no August meeting due to weather.
  3. Presidents Report: Crayfish must now be tested before stocking so that has made them cost-prohibitive. Will stock Pike and Bass and Imlay City Fish Farm will notify Pete in mid-October what is available. Pete spoke with Herb Lawson at Wyndham Development about Bay Pointe. He is amenable to meeting with us. They have a contingent offer in place and are not seeking variances and only looking at building the perimeter. Pete will follow up.
  4. V.P. Report: Have lots of swag due to cancellation of summer party. Suggested an Octoberfest party.
  5. Secretary Report: Will explore outlot “L” deed restrictions vis-à-vis Lakewood Estates. Kara will check to see if the Liber 62MR is what we received.
  6. Treasurers Report: Chip went over the report. 77% of residents paid vs 76% last year. All associations except Westacres are current. We continue to explore options and may consider debt collection. Opinion has been given that Cox’s letter is without substance.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a. Social – Matt unable to attend, suggested spaghetti fundraiser. This didn’t seem to fit our membership. Jeff suggested a UM/MSU event for 10/30 with squares and other fundraising.
    b. Water Quality – Absent but decided to commit to Mike Mogle at 3% increase over this year. We will need better oversight during cutting. Many spots were missed this year.
    c. Ecology/Biology – Absent – We need to make sure that Michigan Lakes and Streams dues are paid.
    d. Lake Safety – Absent.
    e. Public Relations – Absent.
    f. Associations – TBCA membership was down due to people moving and only 6 of the slips were used this year.

  8. New Business – None
  9. Old Business – Suggestion that if Westacres were to pay their dues up to current, MSLIA would earmark them for hiring sheriff next year. Next meeting October 13 at Chip’s house (last one before he follows his migratory instincts).