Laws and Ordinances

Laws and Ordinances

If you see unsafe boating or people ignoring the wake restrictions PLEASE call the Oakland County Sheriff dispatch and request that they send a drop boat – 248-858-4950


Special NO WAKE hours for Middle Straits Lake: Power Boating at a wake speed and waterskiing are prohibited on Sundays, Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day before 11 AM or after 7:30 PM.

Violators are subject to a $100 fine and courts costs or 90 days maximum imprisonment, or both, per West Bloomfield Ordinance #88

MIDDLE STRAITS LAKE, COMMERCE TOWNSHIP – R281.763.38 – Slow –no wake speed zone.

38. On the waters of Middle Straits lake, in sections 12 and 13, town 2 north, range 8 east, Commerce township, Oakland county, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to exceed a slow–no wake speed.

History: Eff. August 17, 1974

MIDDLE STRAITS LAKE, WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP – R 281.763.39 – Slow–no wake speed; high-speed boating and water skiing hours.

39. (1) On that part of the waters of Middle Straits lake located in section 7, T2N, R9E, West Bloomfield township, Oakland county, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to exceed a slow–no wake speed.

(2) On that part of the waters of Middle Straits lake located in sections 17 and 18, T2N, R9E, West Bloomfield township, Oakland county, it is unlawful on Sundays, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day, except between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., to:

(a) Operate a vessel at high speed.

(b) Have in tow, or otherwise assist in the propulsion of, a person on water skis, a water sled, kite, surfboard, or other similar contrivance.
(Ed. Time is Eastern Standard Time, during Daylight Savings Time no-wake is 11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.) History: Eff. December 24, 1975


On that part of Middle Straits Lake lying directly in the center of section 16, T2N, R9E, West Bloomfield township, Oakland county, state of Michigan, it is unlawful for the operator of a vessel to exceed a slow-no wake speed in that area directly adjacent to Bloomer Park, in a straight line from the tip of the natural shoreline from the north on a diagonal line to the first residence to the southeast of the park boundary line.

History: Eff. September 29, 1999

Michigan Boating Laws

It is the Responsibility of the Water Craft Operator to Know these Laws!

Summary of Michigan Boating Laws By Michigan Lake Stewardship Associations, Please visit their website.


1. Slow – no wake speed within 100 feet of the shoreline, any watercraft, pier, person, raft, swimming area, and swimmers.

2. Maximum speed 55 m.p.h. in all water unless otherwise regulated.

3. Michigan law states that a person operating a vessel shall operate it in a careful and prudent manner and at such a rate of speed so as not to unreasonably endanger the life or property of any person. A person shall not operate a vessel at a rate of speed greater than will permit him, in the exercise of reasonable care, to bring the vessel to stop within an assured clear distance ahead.

4. A person shall not operate a vessel in a manner so as to unreasonably interfere with other persons lawfully using Michigan’s water resources.

SLOW – NO WAKE!  Means operating at a very slow to speed in order to minimize the wake created by your vessel.


1. No water skiing between one hour after sunset and one hour prior to sunrise.

2. At least one competent person, in addition to the driver, shall be in any boat towing persons on water skis, sleds, etc. This additional person shall be in a position to observe the progress of the person being towed.

3. The tow boat must be equipped with a 170 degree wide angle rear view mirror affixed to permit the driver to observe the progress of the person being towed.


Vessels and persons being towed on water skis, water sleds, etc. shall maintain a distance of 100 foot from any dock, raft, buoyed or occupied bathing areas, or vessels moored or at anchor, except when the vessel is proceeding at a slow-no wake speed or when water skiers are being picked-up or dropped off.


Persons operating vessels shall operate in a counter-clockwise fashion when it reasonably possible.


Motorboats are required to have mufflers or an underwater exhaust system such that it does not produce sound levels in excess of 90 dB when subjected to a stationary (neutral) sound level test of it’s engine at no closer than one meter (3.3 feet).


1. Persons under 12 years old operating motorboats:
• Must be under the direct supervision of a person 16 years of age or older; and,
• The boat must have no more than 35 HP.

2. Persons 12 through 15 years may operate motorboats if either condition below is met;
• Accompanied by at least one person 16 years or older, or, the person has a boating safety certificate.

3. Any person may operate a motorboat that is powered by a motor of no more than 6 HP.

4. As of October 1, 2011, a person of less than fourteen (14) years of age may not legally operate a PWC under any circumstances.

5. A person who was born after December 31, 1978 shall not operate a PWC on Michigan waters unless they have obtained a boating safety certificate.


1. A person who is intoxicated (as defined in the same way as for driving a car) may not operate or be in control of any vessel. The Michigan implied consent law applies for boat operator intoxication testing. Severe fines and/or jail time await those who are observed operating a water craft while intoxicated on alcohol or drugs (legal or illegal).


1. Sailboats have the right-of-way to motorboats while they are under sail power.

2. Motorboats shall give way to non-motorized vessels.

3. When two vessels are approaching each other head-on, or nearly so, the operator of each shall cause his vessel to pass on the port (left) side of the other (i.e. keep the approaching boat to your left).

4. When over taking a vessel proceeding in the same direction, the operator of the over taking vessel, unless it is not feasible to so do, shall pass on the port (left) side of the vessel ahead (i.e. keep the overtaken boat to your right).

5. When two vessels are approaching each other at right angles or obliquely so as to involve risk of collision, the operator of the vessel which has the other on his own port (left) side shall hold his course and speed, and the operator of the vessel which has the other on his own starboard (right) side shall give way to the other by directing his course to starboard so as to cross the stern of the other vessel or, if necessary to do so, shall slacken his speed, stop or reverse.

All vessels are required to provide at least one United States Coast Guard approved PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICE per passenger. Each child under the age of 6 years, and in an open deck area is REQUIRED by law to wear a PFD AT ALL TIMES!


The owner of any vessel is personally responsible for any damage to life or property resulting from a wake or swell created by the negligent operation of the vessel, where the vessel is being operated with his consent.

Always maintain safe speeds and follow no-wake laws.


A vessel shall not be operated within 200 feet of a buoyed diver’s flag unless it is involved in tendering the diving operation. A person diving shall stay within a surface area of 100 feet of a diver’s flag.


1. A person shall maintain a distance of 100 ft. from any dock, boat, raft, buoyed or occupied bathing area while driving at other than slow – no wake speed.

2. A person shall not cross within 150 ft. behind another vessel other than a personal watercraft, that is moving at greater than a slow – no wake speed.

3. A person shall not operate a PWC on the waters of this state from one hour before sunset to 8:00 A.M local time.

4. Maneuvers that endanger life, limb, or property, including weaving through congested traffic, jumping the wake of another vessel or turning unnecessarily close to another other vessel and/or swerving at the last moment to avoid a collision constitutes reckless operation of a vessel.

5. Carrying more persons than the vessel is designed to carry is prima facie evidence of reckless operation of a vessel.

6. Lanyards must be attached to the operator on vessels that are equipped with lanyards.

7. As of October 1, 2011, a person of less than fourteen (14) years of age may not legally operate a PWC under any circumstances.

8. A person who was born after December 31, 1978 shall not operate a PWC on Michigan waters unless they have obtained a boating safety certificate.

9. A personal watercraft shall not be operated at speeds in excess of (55 mph) except where otherwise posted.

10. A person shall not operate a PWC in waters less than two feet deep unless traveling at a slow no-wake speed.

A complete handbook of Michigan Boating Laws and Responsibilities is available for free download on the internet at

Highlights of West Bloomfield Township Boat Docking Storage Laws


On a residentially zoned waterfront lot, an accessory boat dock shall only be permitted accessory to a one-family dwelling located on the same lot. No dock shall be permitted on a vacant lot. All docks shall comply with the following regulations:

  • Watercraft moored at a permitted dock shall be registered/owned or licensed to the owner or occupant of the residential dwelling to which such dock is accessory.
  • Docks shall not extend more than 50 feet beyond the water’s edge.
  • Docks shall not impede upon boat traffic area of the waterway.
  • Seasonal docks installed pursuant to the requirements and standards of Section 12-92(5) of the West Bloomfield Township Code of Ordinances are permitted and do not require a permit.
  • Permanent docks may be installed after obtaining a use permit from the Environmental Commission provided the dock is installed pursuant to the requirements and standards of Section 12-91 of the West Bloomfield Townships Code of Ordinances.



On a residentially zoned waterfront lot occupied with a one-family dwelling, off-season (Nov. 1– Mar. 31) storage may be permitted as follows:

  • No more than two boats and/or watercraft together with their trailers may be stored in the lake yard. If storage in the lake yard is not feasible, storage may be permitted in the side or street yard subject to the regulations in Section 10-103 of the West Bloomfield Township Code of Ordinances.
  • Docks, boat lifts, and boat hoists may be stored only in the lake yard.
  • Permitted storage shall comply with the regulations in Section 10-103 of the West Bloomfield Township Code of Ordinances.


The owners of all developed residential lots within a subdivision having Township approved or officially recognized access to, a navigable watercourse for boating purposes may petition the Planning Commission to permit outdoor storage of not more than two boats and/or watercraft together with their trailers subject to the requirements of Section 10-104 of the West Bloomfield Township Code of Ordinances.

No storage shall be permitted off-season until the subdivision has obtain Planning Commission approval.

This is a current summary of West Bloomfield Code of Ordinances – Please visit their website for more information.