MSLIA October 2018 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 17, 2018
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Mad Hatter Pub – Wonderland Lanes
- Secretary Report: no reports
- Treasurers Report: Went over report. Waiting on TBPA payment before printing new invoices. Will have new invoices ready before next meeting. Largest arrearage is now $780. New invoices are at the bylaw rates. Will need to lien properties.
- V.P. Report: $360 profit from last merchandise will be used to purchase more gear. Working up a new logo to be presented at the next meeting.
- Presidents Report: Introduced Kara Dunn to the board. She has taken over the website for us. We were approved to stock Pike, but the fish farm needs certification of their health. We may get Smallmouth bass and Golden Shiners. Fish should be in by end of October. Discussed the boat docking issue and call from Scott Donegan regarding Westacres concern that we are somehow singling them out.
- Approved minutes of September Meeting.
- Meeting called to order 7:09 PM. Present: Pete Saules, Greg Andrick, Jeff Carroll, Mike Caruso, Jeff Payne, Bob Barbour, Kara Dunn, Chip Campbell, Lynn Carnacchi
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – Need fish stocking date to coordinate cider and donuts and to publicize.
b. Water Quality – absent.
c. Ecology/Biology – absent.
d. Lake safety – absent.
e. Public Relations – absent.
f. Government Relations – Will take over the boat dock issue from Chip for the winter.
g. Associations – Lynn gave update on TBPA. - New Business – Chip and Greg will need to get together to create and file liens. Kara will look into changing our web hosting. Chip recapped the first WB meeting on boat docking. The one page summary WB promised has not been received, they promised again to have it in 2 weeks. Code enforcement seems to want to “slow-roll” the issue. Greg motioned to request a insurance quote from Doug Browne, Jeff 2nd , passed unanimously.
- Old Business – Meeting adjourned at 8:30. Next meeting is 11/13 at Jeff Carroll’s.