MSLIA October 2011 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA October 2011 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Menning Residence

  1. Meeting called to order 7:15 PM.  Present: Pete Saules, Greg Andrick,  Carim Calkins, Mike Mankvitz, Bob Barbour, Mike Caruso, Mark Menning, Carim Calkins, Mark Boley, Jim Mann, Jeff Carroll
  2. Approved minutes of September Meeting
  3. Presidents Report: Drain cleaning at Alston completed.  Provided $75 to Judy Flaherty for Summer party. Next year we should move the weeding forward 2 weeks next year.  Lake seems much clearer than it has all summer.
  4. V.P. Report: Will forward check to Judy Flaherty
  5. Treasurers Report: Provided report.  DWS has $5,988.  Checking has $7,835.
  6. Secretary’s Report: Motion to budget fees and reasonable expenses for Bob Barbour to attend MICORPS conference and training in Grayling. Carim 2nd, passed.  Carim unable to attend due to work.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a.  Social –Attended post-fishing tournament award ceremony and presented Steve Orow the appreciation plaque for Twin b.  Beach Market.  Sold $69 in merchandise at tournament and plaque cost $60.  10/22 8:30 AM is fish release, will provide cider and donuts.  Winter Party date is yet to be determined.
    c.  Water Quality – Discussed portion previously.  $250 pike are being stocked at a total cost of $1,830.
    d.  Ecology/Biology –  Recorded a 15′ Secchi disk reading last weekend.  Submitted our data and renewd our membership in Michigan Lakes and Streams.
    e.  Lake safety – Happy birthday Mr. Mann – 82 years young today.
    f.  Government Relations – Working on the charitable gaming license.  We could expect to receive a license 8 weeks after we are approved
    g.  Public Relations – absent.

  8. New Business:  Carim request that we post non-payors to our website and that we customize the invoices prior to next invoicing.
  9. Old Business – Mark Menning is not going to run again as Westacres president.  Also indicated that Westacres is going to add more rip-rap to shoreline.  Motion to Adjourn 8:45