MSLIA October 2011 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Menning Residence
- Meeting called to order 7:15 PM. Present: Pete Saules, Greg Andrick, Carim Calkins, Mike Mankvitz, Bob Barbour, Mike Caruso, Mark Menning, Carim Calkins, Mark Boley, Jim Mann, Jeff Carroll
- Approved minutes of September Meeting
- Presidents Report: Drain cleaning at Alston completed. Provided $75 to Judy Flaherty for Summer party. Next year we should move the weeding forward 2 weeks next year. Lake seems much clearer than it has all summer.
- V.P. Report: Will forward check to Judy Flaherty
- Treasurers Report: Provided report. DWS has $5,988. Checking has $7,835.
- Secretary’s Report: Motion to budget fees and reasonable expenses for Bob Barbour to attend MICORPS conference and training in Grayling. Carim 2nd, passed. Carim unable to attend due to work.
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social –Attended post-fishing tournament award ceremony and presented Steve Orow the appreciation plaque for Twin b. Beach Market. Sold $69 in merchandise at tournament and plaque cost $60. 10/22 8:30 AM is fish release, will provide cider and donuts. Winter Party date is yet to be determined.
c. Water Quality – Discussed portion previously. $250 pike are being stocked at a total cost of $1,830.
d. Ecology/Biology – Recorded a 15′ Secchi disk reading last weekend. Submitted our data and renewd our membership in Michigan Lakes and Streams.
e. Lake safety – Happy birthday Mr. Mann – 82 years young today.
f. Government Relations – Working on the charitable gaming license. We could expect to receive a license 8 weeks after we are approved
g. Public Relations – absent. - New Business: Carim request that we post non-payors to our website and that we customize the invoices prior to next invoicing.
- Old Business – Mark Menning is not going to run again as Westacres president. Also indicated that Westacres is going to add more rip-rap to shoreline. Motion to Adjourn 8:45