MSLIA May 2018 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA May 2018 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, May 9, 2018
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Mad Hatter

  1. Meeting called to order 7:08 PM. Present: Greg Andrick, Pete Saules, Chip Campbell, Matt Barron, Bob Barbour, Mark Chrzanowski – West Acres
  2. Approved minutes of April meeting.
  3. Presidents Report: Pete requested articles from everyone for the newsletter. Saw a deer laying down at CEBIA auxiliary park for a few hours in the middle of the day. Will call the fish farm for fall stocking. Budget was either $2,000 or $1,500 will discuss under Treasurer Report.  Annual meeting is June 1 st , 7pm at Bloomer Park. Talked about recent sales and current properties for sale on the lake.
  4. V.P. Report: Absent.
  5. Treasurers Report: Checking balance: $17,951, Investments: $16,375. Wrote off $3,500 in old debt during this invoice cycle due to changes of ownership which we were never made aware of. Resent 12 invoices that had been returned by USPS. 68% have paid (131) Ask members to use Friends and Family button if paying by PayPal.
  6. Secretary Report: Waiting on newsletter articles. Meeting is scheduled on 5/16 at 1pm with Water Resource Commission to discuss lake pump.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a. Social – Summer party is 6/30 1pm at Stoney Beach. Make sure we put fireworks gofundme into the newsletter. Boat parade 7/4 Prize for best boat. Recognize Doug Browne’s contribution in the newsletter and at annual meeting.
    b.  Water Quality – Bob agreed to to be the MSLIA representative to the Michigan Lakes and Streams annual conference. MSLIA will pay his expenses and fees for this.
    c.  Ecology/Biology – Pete gave Al Carim’s file from his time as committee chair. Al has enrolled us in the Secchi Disk and phosphorous monitoring for this year.
    d.  Lake safety – absent.
    e.  Public Relations – absent.
    f.  Government Relations – absent – Will send flowers to Mike’s dad’s funeral.
    g.  Lake Associations – Westacres will have their clean-up next week.

  8. New Business – Greg motioned and Matt 2nd – $1,500 fish stocking budget for this year. Approved
  9. Old Business – Meeting adjourned at 8:30. Next meeting is 6/1 Bloomer Park.