MSLIA May 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

MSLIA May 2010 Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Coles’ Residence

  1. Meeting called to order 7:05 PM. Present: Pete Saules, Greg Andrick, Bob Barbour, Mark Boley, Carim Calkins, Mark Menning, Linea Coles, Jim Mann
  2. Greg read minutes of previous meeting, approved with correction: Meeting at Stony Beach was with Don and Tom of Twin Beach Civic and Marshall L and John R. of West Bloomfield.
  3. Presidents Report: DEQ website still shows no marina permits applied for on the lake. Linea to forward the current draft of Newsletter for final edit and mailing prior to annual meeting. Heard Hung will be back to film shortly. Lake levels are still high. We are on the Drain Commission list to clean the sumps on our road drains, but they haven’t completed the work yet. Discussion on road-runoff and desie to be placed o a regular schedule for drain cleaning. Add drain issue to annual meeting agenda. Invite Marshall Labadie from West Bloomfield to the annual meeting. Discussion on weeding.
  4. V.P. Report: Absent.
  5. Treasurers Report: We have $12,000 in the bank and Bay Pointe paid their remaining dues. Latin Fund is down 2% this year. Mr. Mann recommends MFS Utility fund. Motion made seconded and passed to move Latin fund to MFS Utility fund.
  6. Secretary’s Report: Have secured Marshbank for the annual meeting. Will get newsletter mailed out.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a.  Social -Move summer party to 8/20/11 due to conflict with another party scheduled at Twin Beach. Budget is $400 + cost of band.
    b.  Water Quality – 3rd or 4th week of July weed harvesting will begin.
    c.  Ecology/Biology – Looking for sattelite data to help with drainage issue.
    d.  Lake safety – Mr. Mann raised an issue about an ice shanty which sunk and is still in the lake in the bay at the west end of the main body of the lake.
    e.  Government Relations – Absent.

  8. New Business: Motion made and seconded and passed: Pay $100 for the burn barrel and wood from the winter party to Greg Nawrot. Discuss the golf outin at the general membership meeting to guage interest. Send MSLIA web info to Linea.
  9. Old Business – Motion to Adjourn 8:30, July meeting: Mike Mankvitz; August: Jeff Carroll; Sept: Mike Caruso.