MSLIA March 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA March 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 13, 2024
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Carroll Residence

  1. Called to Order at 7:01 PM. Present: Jeff C, Greg A, Al P, Sarah O, Mike M, Holli P, Matt B, Kara D, Pete S, Bob B
  2. Minutes approved from February (Al P, Matt B).
  3. Presidents Report: Sent the offer letter to the properties that have had liens filed against them. 2 have responded to accept the offer. Made motion to investigate our legal standing to lien Westacres, Greg 2nd, motion passed unanimously. Will forward the Mike Cox letter to Gerry Fisher to obtain an opinion and budget. Will check on the status of the Upper Straits lawsuit and verify that our augmentation pump is functioning.
  4. Vice President: Absent.
  5. Secretary Report: Provided check to Matt B for fireworks balance of $9500. Showed the burgee that Casey and Joe had designed and ordered. We got 10 initially at $15 each and will sell for $25 – $30.
  6. Treasurers Report: Went over report.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a. Social – Bowling is 4/6 will incorporate 50/50 raffle and maybe a gift basket with MSLIA swag. Still trying to confirm 5/23 for the golf outing. 7/6 is fireworks and boat rally is 8/10. Matt would like to transition the social chair to Casey and continue to help with fundraising. Matt will contact her. Matt to contact Bay Pointe to verify with new owners the ability to load fireworks barge at their parking lot.
    b. Water Quality – Took the phosphorous samples and froze them for June submittal.
    c. Ecology/Biology – Absent
    d. Lake Safety – No deaths or injuries over the winter.
    e. Public Relations – Need the PayPal link generated by one of the admins to add to the website. Discussion about giving a burgee to people that donate a certain amount for fireworks. A Ms. Lia t shirt design was discussed.
    f. Government Relations – Absent but has scheduled meeting with WB Parks on 3/19 to renew the MOU for boat launch usage by weeding contractor and fireworks.
    g. Associations – TBCA – clean-up is 4/27. CEBIA – Euchre tournament this Saturday at
    7 PM. 7/27 is their pig roast.
  8. New Business – Jeff would like to explore tax deductible possibility for fireworks donations.
  9. Old Business – Jeff is working on the fact sheet. Chip and Greg to mail statements for unpaid dues after 4/15. Next meeting 4/10 at CEBIA. Meeting adjourned 8:09 PM