MSLIA March 2022 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA March 2022 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, March 16, 2022
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Mad Hatter

  1. Called to Order at 7:00 PM. Present: Jeff C, Greg A, Matt B, Sarah O, Brian K, Kara D, Al P,
    Chip C via Zoom, Jon N.
  2. Minutes approved from February.
  3. Presidents Report: Absent
  4. V.P. Report: $800 in sales over past year in merchandise, $350 Net which is going to purchase new apparel. Will bring remaining merchandise to bowling event. Have tank tops on the way.
  5. Secretary Report: None
  6. Treasurers Report: Doing pretty well on collections. Went over report.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a. Social – Have 104 signed up for bowling. Golf outing planning. Hole sponsors are $200 for corporate and $100 family. We went with the golf, lunch, beer package. Kara has a t-shirt gun that we may try to incorporate. Jon has a Par 3 product vendor that will provide a $10,000 hole-in-one prize as well as other prizes for the other par-3s. Looking for a hole-in-one sponsor @$500 to cover the premium cost. Doug Browne Agency is the lead sponsor at $1000. Jeff offered a sightseeing flight for a raffle prize.
    b. Water Quality – Signed up for Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program for Secchi and spring and fall phosphorous.
    c. Ecology/Biology – Absent.
    d. Lake Safety – Absent.
    e. Public Relations – Absent.
    f. Associations – CEBIA St Patty’s euchre tournament. TBCA no report.

  8. New Business – Will reach out to West Bloomfield and try to set up a meeting.
  9. Old Business – Next meeting April 13, Carroll’s house. Adjourned 8:15