MSLIA March 2011 Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Saules Residence
- Meeting called to order 7:10 PM. Present: Pete Saules, Greg Andrick, Mark Boley, Jeff Carroll, Carim Calkins, Mike Caruso, Mark Menning, Mike Mankvitz, Linea Coles
- Greg read minutes of previous meeting, approved with no corrections.
- Presidents Report: We were unable to hold the March meeting at Bay Pointe due to ongoing remodeling, but will try to schedule the April meeting there. Provided copy of fish survey to Carim and Greg. Spoke with DNR biologist Jim Francis who had been ice fishing this winter on our lake near Bloomer. Pete told him about the 41″ Pike caught on Upper this winter. Jim recommended to Pete that we could stock Small Mouth Bass, but would prefer that we continue with Northern Pike. He asked that someone take him out on the lake this summer, we will invite at a later date. June 3rd is our annual meeting – need to reserve Marshbank Park. Need to send out a newsletter with annual meeting and summer party info.
- V.P. Report: No report.
- Treasurers Report: Absent
- Secretary’s Report: Will contact Bay Pointe for April meeting.
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – Rehashed the winter party discussion from last month for Jeff’s enjoyment. Bowling was looked into, but fairly expensive and probably not feasible. Will check with Judy Flaherty on 7/30 date for summer party at Twin Beach Park.
b. Water Quality – Contacted Oakland County Road Commission (RCOC) to get catch basins cleaned, have a complaint number. Weed Harvest quote from Mike Mogle is forthcoming. Motion to stock 250 Pike per DNR recommendations, passed unanimously.
c. Ecology/Biology – Emailed Doc’s to get charity poker information. CLMP report provided. Will perform secchi disk readings this summer.
d. Lake safety – absent.e. Government Relations – Checking dates for Huron River Watershed Council meetings and made contact with the representatives from Upper and Lower Straits. - New Business: West Acres installing grinder pump and removing septic field from their beach. Need to provide Linea with newsletter info. She would like to help with public relations. Mike C would like to approach a seawall contractor to present at annual meeting.
- Old Business – Motion to Adjourn 8:40