MSLIA July 2022 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Caruso Residence
- Called to Order at 7:08 PM. Present: Pete S, Greg A, Mike C, Jeff C, Sarah O, Kara D, Brian K, Jon N
- Minutes approved from May.
- Officer Election: Greg nominated Jeff C for President, Pete 2nd , Jeff accepted, approved unanimously. Jeff nominated Jon for VP, Greg 2nd, Jon accepted, approved unanimously.
- Presidents Report: New hats and t-shirts are at the printer ready to produce, will hand that to new VP. Discussion about weeding and meeting at WB. We will need to notify WB when the weed harvester comes so they can monitor the activity. They have a misconception that the weeding equipment contributes to the erosion of the boat launch. Jon suggested that we video it if they are unable to attend. Sarah requested that we ask the weed harvester to come in close to their beach. They remove the swim area ropes and buoys every year but don’t feel he ever comes in close enough. Jeff wants to work on launch access for both weeding and fireworks for next year. Mike C volunteered to take that on under Government relations. We may want to research the public service contract for Morris Lake in greater depth to see what can be done. We have requested that Mr. Fisher refile our objections to Westacres ZBA variance request. Greg will send email to membership asking them to resend their comments to tbelcher and with subject line: PV22-0034 and Object to variance approval. Jeff would like info from Carim’s last chemical weed treatment investigation.
- V.P. Report: Jon will take over the merchandise and other activities as needed.
- Secretary Report: None
- Treasurers Report: Went over report.
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – Absent.
b. Water Quality – Absent
c. Ecology/Biology – Pete contacted Imlay City Fish Farm and the DNR. Looking toward an October date for Pike and/or Bass stocking. Weeding will take place next week, scheduled for 7/18.
d. Lake Safety – absent
e. Public Relations – Kara will start process of upgrading website and moving to a less expensive hosting platform that is more flexible. Will look at adding a merchandise store to both website and Facebook.
f. Government Relations – Mike will take over the boat launch issue.
g. Associations – TBCA is having a block party this Saturday at noon. They signed up 3 new members and still have at least one open dock slip. CEBIA is having a party 7/23 2pm – 10pm with Bounce house, clown and food. Everyone is invited to attend. - New Business – Of the 2 boats Matt Barron nominated to win best decorated for the 4th of July parade, boat 1 (Blue Bayliner) was voted unanimously. Jeff is planning to host a movie night on the lake one Sunday evening using Jon’s floating platform.
- Old Business – Next meeting is Aug 10 at Jon’s – Adjourned 8:27 PM