MSLIA July 2020 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
- Called to Order at 7:14 PM. Present: Pete S, Greg A, Al P, Chip C, Mike C, Matt B, Doug Browne, Lynn C
- Minutes were read and approved from the May meeting.
- Presidents Report: July 11, 12 Union Lake Rd will be closed. Pete wants us to post on Nextdoor about collecting the lakes. DTE fixed power at the pump, and it’s now running. The deposit was returned on the Bay Pointe sale. Adding day to weed cutting. Pete called the fish farm to get Pike ordered, if no Pike, we will stock Bass. Will be in late October. Matt asked for a day or 2 notice so he can get the word out. Kids love the fish stocking.
- V.P. Report: Absent.
- Secretary Report: No report.
- Treasurers Report: Discussion on D&O insurance. Asking Mike Mogle to add us an additional insured. 7/19 is our expiration. The budget is on track for the year. Michelle Patterson has started a committee to address boats.
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – Have $3K for fireworks. Not having a summer party this year. Matt Ureste will chair the fireworks sub-committee. The boat Rally is on August 15.
b. Water Quality – 12’ is the best Secchi disk reading this year.
c. Ecology/Biology – absent – but will add up to 2 additional days to cutting if needed.
d. Lake safety – absent – Need new Lake Safety person.
e. Public Relations – absent
f. Government Relations – Will look at the Nextdoor app.
g. Associations – TBPA – hopefully, 1 year to finish beach house. - New Business – None
- Old Business – Adjourned 8:20 PM – next meeting August 12th – Location Chateau