MSLIA July 2018 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA July 2018 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, July 11, 2018
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Chip Campbell’s – 7346 Colony

  1. Meeting called to order 7:10 PM.  Present: Pete Saules, Chip Campbell, Al Proulx, Bob Barbour, Sean Hook – Twin Beach Civic
  2. Approved minutes of June Annual and May Monthly meetings. 
  3. Presidents Report: Pete talked about the water being murky, perhaps due to overflow of weed chemical treatment from
  4. Upper Straits (just completed).  He talked to Upper Straits Board member (Bob Harris) about their weed management program (weed harvesting//chemical treatment combo program).  Discussion was held and suggestion made to have a 3 Lakes (Upper/Middle/Lower Straits) meeting in the fall to discuss shared topics of interest, to include:
    Weed Management
    Drain Augmentation 
    Also advised that the Fish Farm will remain open for another year – will use the approved $1500 in 2nd/3rd week of October to get our fish
  5. V.P. Report: Absent.
  6. Treasurers Report: Checking balance: $19,335, Investments: $17,180.  Wrote off $5,154 in old debt during this invoice cycle due to changes of ownership which we were never made aware of. 70% have paid (150); forecasting 78% participation ($$ and members).  Need assistance in having discussion with Twin Beach Park Association (outstanding dues of $4,762).  Requested update to Fireworks GO FUND ME amount; need discussion to add $10,000 as place holder in 2019 budget development for 2019 Fireworks (perhaps do joint program with West Acres) .  Need bills from 6/30Summer Social ($500 budgeted)
  7. Secretary Report:  Absent.
  8. Standing Committee reports

    a.  Social – (via e-mail) Summer party held 6/30 1pm at CEBIA auxiliary park.  About 40 attendees.  All enjoyed.  Have proposed winner of Boat parade held 7/4 but need approval to award Swag Bag (put together by VP).  Fireworks GO FUND ME amount stands at $1,625.
    b.  Water Quality – Continuing Secchi Disk (clarity) and phosphorous monitoring
    c.  Ecology/Biology – (see above).
    d.  Lake safety – absent.
    e.  Public Relations – absent.
    f.  Government Relations – absent
    g.  Lake Associations – Twin Beach Park talked about various issues (maintaining membership and dues collection; site improvements); have 60’ dockage-7 boats; can go to 100’ and up to another 6-8 boats if want (issue with neighbors)

  9. New Business –  2019 Fireworks (Chip) -suggest we talk to Westacres to see if they are interested in a joint program – Defer
  10. Sheriff’s Patrol (Chip) – would like to re-visit cost and capability – Defer
  11. Association Dockage (Chip) – do we know what are the max # boats each association can have?  Is it defined by DNR/WB Twsp, or “on your honor”?  Need to document and share in Newsletter; DOCUMENT results- Defer
  12. Homeowner Dockage (Chip) – several cases where it appears all watercraft (pontoons, power boats, jet skis) could not be all MC’d to property owner & address (WB Twsp requirement);  WB Twsp Code enforcement advised that the Planning Dept is developing an ordnance as to how many watercraft can be docked at each dock (Amy Neary, Director, 248/451-4828) – similar to Orchard Lake’s; we should get clarity on this and share with membership next year; WB Twsp will go to property and survey MC’s if requested; DOCUMENT results– Defer
  13. Goose Round Up (Chip) – requested by The Johnsons (3750 S. Elder); appears Upper Straits has two folks certified by DNR to do “Egg Replacement” and “Nest Destruction” programs; approach Upper Straits for assistance? – Defer
  14. Raft Removal (Chip) – Request (several made over the years) from Jay Koby to remove abandoned raft at east end of lake by Green Lake Road; add to next lake cleanup program – Defer
  15. Old Business – Weed Harvesting:  Bob Barbour volunteered to show Mike Mogle’s team where we have major issues with weeds (like Bob did last year); since we haven’t heard from Cody or Mike on this, Chip will attempt to contact Mike prior to the early August date to confirm services/days, pre-cut inspection with Bob B, and final contract details

Meeting adjourned at 8:00.  Next meeting is 8/8 (Wednesday) at Pete’s house (to start- maybe go off on boats)