MSLIA January 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA January 2021 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, January 13, 2021
7:00 PM, Eastern Time

  1. Called to Order at 7:04 PM. Present: Pete S, Greg A, Chip C, Jared H, Kara D, Matt B, Bob B, Al P
  2. Minutes were approved from November meeting.
  3. Presidents Report: Ice is 4” thick and the fish are biting.
  4. V.P. Report: Absent.
  5. Secretary Report: Invoices are stuffed and ready to go. Greg to send email and prepare a newsletter.
  6. Treasurers Report: 12,382 in Checking account
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a. Social – Will have a winter party 2/13, weather date 2/20 there won’t be a chili cook-off this year. Pete will get firewood and pit from Greg Nawrot, Greg to get Porta-pottie and notify Doug Browne. Will have hot dogs and chips and refreshments. Westacres is having one on 1/30. Request that we send an email to remind people about the fireworks donation box on the invoices. Planning a golf outing this spring at Bay Pointe – details to follow. Will also do a Superbowl squares contest again. Greg to head up. $10/sq 50/50 split $100, $100, $100, $200 prize payouts by quarter.
    b. Water Quality/Ecology – Checking into weed harvesters and DNR lake water monitoring.
    c. Lake safety – vacant
    d. Public Relations – Greg to send CEBIA food truck info to Kara to put on our FB.
    e. Associations – CEBIA – doing food trucks over the winter.

  8. New Business – Need to investigate placing lien on Westacres, possibly their credit union for non-payment of past 2 years of dues.
  9. Old Business – No update from township on Westacres application for variance. February meeting via Zoom again. Adjourned at 7:33 PM.