MSLIA February 2020 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Mad Hatter
- Called to Order at 7:13 PM. Present: Pete S, Greg A, Bob B, Matt B, Kara D, Doug Browne
- Minutes were approved from January meeting.
- Presidents Report: Spoke with Greg W at Lombardo regarding Bay Pointe. They have concerns about the soil boring, still analyzing the soil boring and other due diligence. They are still saying no community docks are planned, only lakefront lot docking and maybe a small beach. Pete will check back at the end of the month, has Greg’s cell number. The Upper/Middle dam rebuild has started. Upper Straits is paying the entire $770,000 through a SAD.
- V.P. Report: Absent.
- Secretary Report: Deposited checks received so far – no West Acres payment yet.
- Treasurers Report: Went over current financial report.
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – Winter party is moved to Feb 29, 2020. We made about $500 for our fireworks fund from the Superbowl Squares. Matt Ureste donated back $100 and Dan Sklar $20 of their winnings. For winter party, Matt will ask Linea to shop, Greg to bring hot dog cooker. Need tents and Jeff’s stereo. Greg will order keg. We will meet at noon on Saturday to set up.
b. Water Quality – absent
c. Ecology/Biology – absent.
d. Lake safety – absent.
e. Public Relations – Update on the Linnell meeting. He will not do pro-bono work for lake associations. He advised that we need to sue West Acres to bring them into compliance at a cost of at least $30,000. We are not interested in this course of action. Discussed mounting a PR campaign to motivate West Bloomfield to enforce their ordinances.
f. Government Relations – Discussed the Westacres boat situation.
g. Associations – None present. - New Business – None
- Old Business – Adjourned 8:00 – next meeting March 10th – Location TBD