MSLIA February 2012 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA February 2012 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Coles Residence

  1. Meeting called to order 7:05 PM.  Present: Linea Coles, Pete Saules, Greg Andrick,  Carim Calkins, Mark Boley, Mark Menning, Mike Caruso, Mike Mankvitz, Kim Ellis.
  2. Approved minutes of January Meeting.
  3. Presidents Report: Mr. Mann is in the hospital, we all wish him well.  Primarily discussed Winter party plans.  We will pay Twin Beach $50 for the tent rental, they will put it up.  Mike will get wood from Mark Williams.  Greg will order Beer and Port-a-pottie. Mike and Kim divided responsibilities.
  4. V.P. Report: Absent.
  5. Treasurers Report: On vacation.
  6. Secretary’s Report: Brought invoices and letters to stuff.  Verified that MSLIA was in good standing. Got new resident list from Oakland County and updated database before invoicing.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a.  Social – Went over in Pres. report.
    b.  Water Quality – No reply from Mogle weeding on moving date yet.
    c.  Ecology/Biology – Would like to attend MLSA conference and purchase a book for the MSLIA library and join Micorps (CLMP – cooperative lakes monitoring project)
    d.  Lake safety – Abesnt.
    e.  Public Relations – Discussion on letter to include with invoices.
    f.  Government RelationsContacted MDOT and RCOC, no plans are on the horizon for Union Lake Rd. Looking at DNR and Parks and Recreation for waterways grants.  April deadline to apply next year. 
    g.  Twin Beach – Kim would like to coordinate the social calendars to the extent possible, of the 2 organizations.
    h.  Westacres – Mark Menning is officially retired as President of Westacres and will remain on the MSLIA board in Emeritus capacity and also as Westacres liaison.  Discussed possibility of Summer party at Westacres.  Westacres will be putting in another 955’ feet of boulders.  Their annual dues are now $685.

  8. New Business:  Next meeting at Jeff Carroll’s newly completed lower level Mar 13, 2012.
  9. Old Business –Motion to Adjourn 8:54