MSLIA August 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA August 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, August 14, 2024
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Nemeth Boat House

  1. Called to Order at 7:02 PM. Present: Jeff C, Greg A, Chip C, Casey S, Jon N, Al P
  2. Minutes approved from July (with changes) (Jon, Casey).
  3. Presidents Report: Went over Jeff’s dues letter and boating rule handout. We will prepare the bylaw changes to streamline the property descriptions and voting clarification to mail with the invoices next year. Discussion on the collection offer of a member attorney that owns a debt collection firm.
  4. Vice President: Merchandise still not selling – will take pictures to get posted on the web. Kara dropped off giveaway stickers with the MSLIA logo.
  5. Secretary Report: No report
  6. Treasurers Report: Went over report, we have had several people pay from the statements that we mailed last month. Getting a quote to cut weeds twice next year, June and August. Al will follow-up on our Michigan Lakes and Streams membership. Still looking into upgrade or replacement of our Quickbooks software. CEBIA donated $500 toward fireworks with their dues payment.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a. Social – Want to get a pop-up tent with the MSLIA logo on it. Want to do something for Oktoberfest – will try to coordinate with Twin Beach. Setting up the pick’em league and will get info out soon. Hoping to get 20 people at $50 per person. A new burgee will be designed for next year.
    b. Water Quality – Contacted Advanced Lakefront Services to clear the canal of downed limbs. They suggest getting buy-in from the canal owners, will need to be done from the water. Will need EGLE permit but all of the canal is in Commerce which is easier to deal with. Still looking into a Lake Study. Performing weekly Secchi disk readings. Beginning of year we were around 20’ and recent readings were 8’-10’ .
    c. Ecology/Biology – Joe Clapper has agreed to take over the committee from Matt Ureste.
    d. Lake Safety – No update.
    e. Public Relations – Props to Kara for the Facebook and website activity.
    f. Government Relations – Absent.
    g. Associations – None present.

  8. Old Business – Waiting to hear back from Matt B on the sunken buoy at Westacres.
  9. New Business – Next meeting September 14 will be floating at Matt Barron’s dock. Adjourned 8:12 PM