MSLIA August 2022 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Nemeth Residence
- Called to Order at 7:03 PM. Present: Pete S, Greg A, Mike C, Jeff C, Sarah O, Kara D, Jon N,
Matt U, Al P, Lynn C, Kim H, Gerald F, Art J, Doug B - Minutes approved from July (Pete, Sarah).
- Presidents Report: Sent Jon the swag info. Discussion regarding Westacres marina. We anticipate that court will order mediation. Negotiations will not prejudice our position and we should undertake negotiations to put best face on our argument. Came up with number to open with and our limit and provided that to Mr. Fisher.
- V.P. Report: Jon will take over the merchandise and other activities as needed.
- Secretary Report: None
- Treasurers Report: Went over report.
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – Absent.
b. Water Quality – No report
c. Ecology/Biology – Matt U will take over the Ecology and work on weed harvest for next year. Pete contacted Imlay City Fish Farm and the DNR. Won’t know about fish supply until end of September. Hoping for 150 Pike and golden shiners.
d. Lake Safety – absent
e. Public Relations – No report
f. Government Relations – Mike and Chip meeting this Friday about boat launch.
g. Associations – Tripps – AT&T cable is being removed from lake tomorrow. - New Business – None.
- Old Business – Next meeting is Sept 14 at Mad Hatter – Adjourned 8:45 PM