MSLIA April 2023 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA April 2023 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, April 12, 2023
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Mad Hatter

  1. Called to Order at 7:04 PM. Present: Jeff C, Pete S, Greg A, Sarah O, Al P, Jon N, Lynn C
  2. Minutes approved from March (Lynn C, Jon N).
  3. Presidents Report: Lake pump discussion targeting reinstallation any day now. Will review logo design. Bay Pointe is still in litigation with previous buyers. Jon heard that Shenandoah may operate the golf course.
  4. V.P. Report: Will have sample hats at next meeting. Will email list of swag for us to narrow down to 10 or so items. In order to include it in newsletter need to have URL for ordering by first week of May.
  5. Secretary Report: Discussion on Westacres. We will lien Outlot L when liens are filed this year. Will send another golf outing email. Discussion on alternate fundraisers.
  6. Treasurers Report: Went over report.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a. Social – Absent.
    b. Water Quality – Starting the seasonal water sampling.
    c. Ecology/Biology – Matt U – Absent.
    d. Lake Safety – No report.
    e. Public Relations – Absent.
    f. Government Relations – Received the Memorandum of Understanding from Parks and Rec. Greg motioned to ask Mike C to sign and return it, Jeff 2nd, passed unanimously.
    g. Associations – TBPA Drywall has been delivered and will be installed soon. CEBIA – Food truck schedule is up – Every other Thursday. Tripps – will host an Easter Egg hunt.

  8. New Business – None
  9. Old Business – Next meeting May 10, Jeff C volunteered to host – Adjourned 8:30 PM.