MSLIA April 2011 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA April 2011 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Bay Pointe Golf Club

  1. Meeting called to order 7:05 PM. Present: Pete Saules, Greg Andrick, Bob Barbour, Mark Boley, Jeff Carroll, Carim Calkins, Mike Caruso, Mark Menning, Mike Mankvitz, Linea Coles, Kevin Bur (CEBIA), Nick Lekas (Oak Management)
  2. Greg read minutes of previous meeting, approved with no corrections.
  3. Presidents Report: Thanked Bay Pointe for hosting the meeting. Discussed annual meeting and newsletter. Hung is returning to film having secured $1MM in film credits from the state. Mark Boley has contacted Don Piggett about the drains. We have placed a deposit with the new lake weeding company. Discussed the CEBIA marina notice and discussions with West Bloomfield. West Bloomfield concluded that any new dockage on non-improved property would constitute key-holing and is not permitted under current zoning restrictions. Kevin from CEBIA said they have applied to the DEW for a marina permit but were unaware of township requirements. CEBIA is looking to install docks for 12 boats, all at the point property, in a westerly direction.  Pete has been in contact with the DEQ and they hadn’t seen the marina permit request as of Monday.  Parking will be an issue as well since there is no parking lot for that property.
  4. V.P. Report: Working on embroidered t-shirts and we could then transfer the design easily to other types of apparel.
  5. Treasurers Report: Handed out 2010 end of year report and YTD financial report. Laurens at 8151 Eldora has contacted Bob to complain about weeds in the canal.
  6. Secretary’s Report: Have secured Marshbank for the annual meeting. Discussed particulars of newsletter.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a.  Social – 7/30 is the summer party, need Greg to forward Judy’s contact info for Twin Beach.
    b.  Water Quality – Spoke with Eric an Inland Weed Harvest His quote for this year was $8500 (up $500 from last year). New company is $5900, 1/3 up front 2/3 on completion. Will perform work mid-late July.
    c.  Ecology/Biology – Sent in Phosphorous sample today. 9′ Secchi disk reading this afternoon. Discussed charitable gaming again. Met with Don and Tom from West Bloomfield about street run-off at Stony Beach. There are 4 drains that need to be cleaned out. Would like to create a watergarden 30′ from lake by cutting back drain and excavating. Estimate is $5,000 or as little as $1,000 if we had access to a backhoe.
    d.  Lake safety – absent.
    e.  Government Relations – Talked to West Bloomfield about seawall permits sponsored by the lake association, and about an expedited rip-rap process. Mike talked about long-term plan for seawalls with a single vendor. Logged into a webinar that had about 400 attendees but was more great lakes focused. We need to supply him with our tax-id number.
  8. New Business: In mid-may, West Acres installing grinder pump and removing septic field from their beach. Kevin updated CEBIA activities – Pig roast is 7/23, and they are down to about 100 members from 120 a couple of years ago. Discussed golf outing with Nick. Need 120 participants for a shotgun start. Otherwise 60-80 is about an average outing. They could help us laying out prize holes. Jeff and Mike M will get together to plan.
  9. Old Business – Motion to Adjourn 8:30, Next meeting at Larry and Linea’s house 5/10