MSLIA 2022 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

MSLIA 2022 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

Friday, June 3, 2022
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Bloomer Park

  1. Meeting called to order 7:07 PM.
  2. Greg read minutes of 2021 meeting. Art Jalkanen motioned to approve, Kathy Jennens 2 nd .
    Minutes were approved.
  3. Presidents Report: Welcomed attendees. Gave a history of his tenure as a board member
    starting in 2004 and then taking over as President for a 3 year term that kept getting extended.
    He has decided to step down as President but will remain active on the board. Discussed boat
    docking, Bay Pointe sale, fireworks, lake water levels and fish stocking. Introduced boar
  4. Vice President Report: Have new transfer decals for boats. Looking for a new t-shirt design by
    the 6/25 summer party. This fall will do a Carhartt sweatshirt and hockey jerseys. Can get
    anything embroidered that people want. Willing to be elected as President.
  5. Treasurers Report: Chip provided overview of the current finances, discussed the prior balance
    collection effort and the 2022 budget. We have continued to make inroads on past-due
    collections and will be filing liens this year for those that are seriously delinquent. Letters went
    out to those properties earlier this year. Went over the various fund raising efforts for the
    fireworks including the football squares, bowling and golf outing.
  6. Secretary’s Report: Went over activity. Asked people to actively solicit email addresses from
    their neighbors so we can move to all digital communications.
  7. Standing Committee and Association reports

    a. Social – Boat parade 7/4 at 8:30p.m. There will be a prize for best decorated boat.
    Thanked Doug Browne for his continued support as lead sponsor of the golf outing
    which was huge success. Summer party is June 25 th at 1pm.
    b. Water Quality – Cody Kurzer – Absent. Pete gave report: weed harvesting scheduled
    for 2 nd week in July, boat launch has an issue and will need to be repaired again in early
    July. Discussion was had about street runoff, drains and algae. Advised concerned
    homeowners that the Road commission is responsible for maintaining the drainage
    sumps and to contact them with issues.
    c. Ecology/Biology – Al Proulx – Absent. We are enrolled in CLMP again this year and are
    submitting phosphorous samples and taking clarity readings via Secchi disk.
    d. Government Relations – Mike Caruso – absent.
    e. Public Relations – Kara Dunn – Redesigned the website. Has been taking care of the
    Facebook page and has done lots of research regarding the boat docking issue.
    f. Lake safety – Bob Barbour – advised people to call the Sheriff if they unsafe boating..
    g. CEBIA – Sarah O promoted their garage sale and a summer party scheduled for 7/23
    that everyone may purchase tickets for. Food trucks are every Thursday from 4:30 –
    7:30 in their overflow parking lot on Maple.
    h. Twin Beach Park is having several fundraisers and selling sweatshirts to raise money to
    finish their clubhouse.

  8. New Business – Art Jalkanen gave an overview of the Westacres boat dock issue, the recent
    ZBA re-filing. Discussed options for trying to negotiate an equitable number of boats but far
    fewer that Westacres appears willing to concede to. Fireworks will be launched on July 8th at
  9. Old Business – Greg Andrick motioned to adjourn, Art J seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:17

Greg Andrick
Margaret Andrick
Lori Bott
Dennis Bott
Joe LaVela
James Bee
Ines Youkelson
Jerry Joukelson
Howard Lesnick
Shari Lesnick
Kay Gorny
Mike Gorny
Kara Dunn
Nancy Stakoe
Ed Stakoe
Ron Flannery
Dawn Flannery
Kathy Jennes
Tom Jennens
Jeff Payne
Tim Loszewski
Pete Saules
Karen Saules
Bob Barbour
Betty Barbour
Michael Stillman
Lois Langberg
Mark Langberg
Bob Ford
Barb Ford
Chip Campbell
Debby Campbell
Jeff Carroll
John Bremner
Art Jalkanen
Rich Hedlund
Colette Szybirty
Grant Szybirty
Sarah Obomswain
Steve Zeldes
Geri Zeldes
Alan Ciotta
Darin Young
Jon Nemeth
Jeff Gallant
Cathie Gallant