MSLIA 2020 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

MSLIA 2020 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

Friday, June 5, 2020
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Bloomer Park

  1. Meeting called to order 7:09 PM.
  2. Greg read minutes of 2019 meeting. Art J motioned to approve, Chip C 2nd . Minutes were
  3. Presidents Report: Welcomed attendees. Gave brief overview of Winter Party (Linea took 2nd in Chili Cook-off), Doug Browne Agency sponsorship, fish stocking – Largemouth Bass and Croppie, Bay Pointe development (Lombardo claimed to still be doing a feasibility study and analyzing soil boring), Wier replacement at Upper Straits, Longtime member and Lake Safety chairperson Jim Mann may be leaving the lake, West Bloomfield dockage issues (invited Steve Kaplan but no one from WBT was present) and board activity.
  4. Vice President Report: Jeff showed the new MSL towels and all the existing items.
  5. Treasurers Report: Chip provided overview of the current finances, discussed the prior balance collection effort and the 2020 budget. We have collected 79% of dollars invoiced and 67% of
    members have paid.
  6. Secretary’s Report: Went over activity.
  7. Standing Committee and Association reports

    a. Social – Boat parade 7/4 at 7:30p.m. There will be a prize for best decorated boat. Thanked Doug Browne for his support at the winter party. Requested help with fireworks and Matt Ureste agreed to chair a subcommittee to raise funds. Wants to send a mailer to the surrounding neighborhoods. Possible summer party in late August TBD.
    b. Water Quality – Cody Kurzer – Will stay with Mike Mogle for weeding this year, early to mid July time frame. Will be stocking the lake in fall with Northern Pike. Discussed possible 2nd weed cutting next year depending on growth pattern.
    c. Ecology/Biology – Al Proulx – Will be taking water clarity measurements, but no Phosphorous test year as state isn’t doing it.
    d. Government Relations – Mike Caruso – absent.
    e. Public Relations – Kara Dunn – Redesigned the website. Suggestion was made for a summer ski swap – maybe as a virtual Facebook event.
    f. Lake safety – Jim Mann – absent.
    g. Stoney Beach – Sean Hook – have moved spring events due to COVID
    h. Tripps – Nanette called in – they are having an issue with landscape debris being dumped at their border with Westacres.

  8. New Business None
  9. Old Business – Discussed the goose issue. Greg Andrick motioned to adjourn, Cody seconded. Meeting adjourned 7:55 PM.

    Greg Andrick
    Margaret Andrick
    Gary Witalac
    Pete Saules
    Karen Saules
    Barb Ford
    Kara Dunn
    Chip Campbell
    Debby Campbell
    Jeff Carroll
    Bobbi Carroll
    Cody Kurzer
    John Bremner
    Martin Brown
    Mike Coraci
    Art Jalkanen
    Lisa Jalkanen
    Paul Riggs
    Dennis Bott
    Kim Hedlund
    Diane Peurach
    Linea Coles
    Larry Coles
    Stephanie Surowiec
    Matt Surowiec
    Kim O’Connell
    Matt Ureste
    Mike Mankvitz
    Mandi Mankvitz
    Michele Sauer
    Ines Youkelson
    Jerry Youkelson
    Matt Barron
    Connie Barron
    Jim Dutton
    Debbie Dutton
    Al Proulx
    Tim Loszewski
    James Bee
    Jeff Payne
    Mark Michon
    Bob Sickler