MSLIA April 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA April 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 10, 2024
7:00 PM, Eastern Time

  1. Called to Order at 7:02 PM. Present: Jeff C, Greg A, Bob B, Sarah O, Mike M, Casey C
  2. Minutes approved from March (Sarah, Bob).
  3. Presidents Report: There are 4 properties that have not yet responded to the follow-up lien letter that Jeff sent out. He will call them if able to get the phone numbers. John Moran sent a text to Jeff asking about a discussion with our board to get more boat docking. Bay Pointe is going to remain a golf course for the foreseeable future with a new company managing it for at least the next 3 years. No update on the pump. Upper Straits lawsuit is stayed currently. Upper would like to have a joint board meeting sometime soon. Went over the bowling fundraiser and the possibility of starting a MSLIA league in the fall.
  4. Vice President: Absent. Wants to start the website for pre-order of merchandise. Golf towels were suggested.
  5. Secretary Report: Will put the burgee picture in the newsletter (aiming for 5/15 distribution). Will get a postcard out for meeting notification of 6/7 annual meeting.
  6. Treasurers Report: Chip is looking for a Bay Pointe contact to notify them about dues. Went over the report provided.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a. Social – Discussed the bowling league. Golf outing sponsors, pizza after again, donations for prizes. Will order another 20 burgees as first 10 all sold and 2 were pre-ordered and paid for. Casey delivered the $355 cash from sales and Joe has $70 from Andrew C Venmo that we will just deduct from the next burgee order reimbursement. Talked about possible storefront, Etsy charges 6.5%. Talked about a Poker Run fundraiser, tentatively will plan for 6/22 with summer party to follow on the west side of Boy Scout Point so as to not antagonize WCA. Want to order new banner out of lighter
    material. Joe is volunteering to take over merchandise as he has a long time friend in the screen printing business who can outsource embroidery.
    b. Water Quality – Absent
    c. Ecology/Biology – Absent
    d. Lake Safety – Getting ready for the season. Jeff is working on a laminated handout of boat rules and etiquette.
    e. Public Relations – Absent – Added the PayPal QR code to the website.
    f. Government Relations – Absent will follow up on MOU.
    g. Associations – CEBIA looking at neighborhood yard sale for May. Has food trucks this summer starting 4/9. Stoney will be extending their docks to the allowed length of 60’
  8. New Business – None – covered in meeting
  9. Old Business – Next meeting May 8 at Jon Nemeth’s (boathouse)