MSLIA January 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA January 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, January 10, 2023
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Barbour Residence

  1. Called to Order at 7:07 PM. Present: Bob B, Pete S, Greg A, Jon N, Mike Malmo (TBCA), Kara D, Al P – Via remote: Jeff C, Mike C, Chip C, Casey S
  2. Minutes approved from December (Jeff C, Pete S).
  3. Presidents Report: Will prepare and send letter to liened households. Asked for Bay Pointe update. Pete spoke with Jonna and the project is moving forward, but no firm plans yet, still in development. Still planning on a church and 9 hole course. Planning to be open to the public for 2024 season.
    John Levinson told Jeff that pump was reinstalled but not tested. He will stay on top of WRC as he is retiring due to health issues. Upper Straits is in court ordered mediation for the augmentation well.
  4. Vice President: Jon purchased hats to be embroidered (Elmer Fudd style) and will purchase 6 blank jerseys. Will have for winter party.
  5. Secretary Report: Discussed mailings.
  6. Treasurers Report: Went over report. We did better in 2023 than we had planned and expenses for 2024 are looking lower than anticipated for weeding and legal. Still think we have to be prepared to add a second weeding.
  7. Standing Committee reports:

    a. Social – Euchre tournament signups are slow, with only 15 signed up, we need 30 to net $500 for fireworks. Winter party on Feb 3 at Twin Beach. Looking at a March 9 or 3/23 for bowling fundraiser, planning to charge $30 per person again. Golf we will schedule 5/23 but having trouble getting in touch with anyone.
    b. Water Quality – Signed us up for CLMP lake monitoring.
    c. Ecology/Biology – Will try to get DNR to schedule a fish study.
    d. Lake Safety – No problems to report.
    e. Public Relations – No report.
    f. Government Relations – No report.
    g. Associations – No report.

  8. New Business – Jeff had several initiatives for 2024: Create a fact sheet that can be handed out showing lake rules and general inland lake laws; Reduce non-payments by at least 10% over last year; Create 2 new social events with at least one being a fundraiser; Look into a new Lake Survey; Attempt to create a Westacres relationship. Mike C suggested that dedicate 1 fundraiser each year to benefit a beach association. Jon will look into a website that allows merchandise ordering. Mike C is also looking into renewing our MOU with West Bloomfield Township.
  9. Old Business – Next meeting 2/13 (Tuesday) at Jeff Carroll’s house. Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM