MSLIA January 2023 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Barbour Residence
- Called to Order at 7:05 PM. Present: Jeff C, Pete S, Greg A, Bob B, Sarah O, Matt B, Kara D, Matt U, Mike C, Doug B
- Minutes approved from November (Jeff C, Matt B).
- Presidents Report: Checking to see if Bay Pointe is still for sale or under contract. Kara has seen listing recently.
- V.P. Report: Absent Sarah suggested as a possible source for MSLIA branded merchandise.
- Secretary Report: None
- Treasurers Report: Went over report. Motion to ask our attorney to break our bill into 2 payments (Greg, Jeff) Approved.
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – Winter party Feb 4th 1-4 at Twin Beach, 5/25 – Golf. Ask Jon N to email sponsors from last year. 3/11 tentative bowling fundraiser.
b. Water Quality – Lake level very low. Signing us up for Phosphorous and water clarity monitoring through CLMP.
c. Ecology/Biology – Matt U – contacted several weeding companies but we are already too late for this year – will contact Mike Mogle. Had a discussion with company that will work for an hourly rate of $300 and has newer equipment. Greg to send Matt most recent lake study that Carim commissioned. Mike C will draft a letter to WB to try to resolve launch issue for weeding and fireworks.
d. Lake Safety – No report.
e. Public Relations – Website is back up and looks great.
f. Government Relations – Jeff would like someone to look at Article 2 of the bylaws regarding membership.
g. Associations – No reports. - New Business – None.
- Old Business – Next meeting is Feb 8 at Matt Ureste’s – Adjourned 8:30 pm after folding and
stuffing invoices – Thanks Everyone!