MSLIA September 2022 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Mad Hatter
- Called to Order at 7:07 PM. Present: Jeff C, Pete S, Greg A, Bob B, Sarah O, Kara D, Jon N,
Matt B, Lynn C - Minutes approved from August (Pete, Bob).
- Presidents Report: Spoke with Steve Kaplan, no resolution on Westacres docking. Steve Kaplan assured that this is a legal position that they will not lose. Because of this Jeff does not
think MSLIA should intervene. Beacon may write another article as many complained about
the blatant one-sided view they presented. Motion by Greg, 2nd by Bob: Engage Gerald Fisher
to file an intervention on behalf of MSLIA in the Westacres v West Bloomfield Township Board
of Zoning Appeals, with cost not to exceed $10,000. After discussion the vote was 7,0,2 –
Motion carried. Motion by Jeff, 2nd by Greg: Assess $62.50 per household and $0.50 per beach member effective January 2023, Amendment by Sara 2nd by Greg: No assessment will be levied in the event that Westacres pays full back dues. Both Motions carried unanimously. - V.P. Report: No report.
- Secretary Report: None
- Treasurers Report: Went over report.
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – Propose 2 bowling fundraisers, 1 in early December and 1 in March. Fireworks are set for July 7, 2023. Golf outing is reserved for May 25, 2023 which is again the Thursday prior to Memorial weekend.
b. Water Quality – Absent
c. Ecology/Biology – Matt U will take over the Ecology and work on weed harvest for next year. Pete reported we are on track for 10/31 – 11/15 stocking. Hoping for 150 Pike and golden shiners.
d. Lake Safety – No problems to report
e. Public Relations – Having an issue with new website but should be up soon.
f. Government Relations – No report.
g. Associations – CEBIA may be willing to allow the weeding company to access their launch but need to have further discussion. - New Business – None.
- Old Business – Next meeting is Oct 12th at Chip’s house – Adjourned 8:20 PM