MSLIA September 2020 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA September 2020 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, September 16, 2020
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Campbell’s Terrace

  1. Called to Order at 7:08 PM. Present: Pete S, Greg A, Chip C, Matt Barron, Rich Nawrot, Art Jalkanen
  2. Minutes were read and approved from the August meeting.
  3. Presidents Report: The lake level pump is working even though it was run dry by someone who broke into the pumphouse and turned it on with the river level insufficient for operation. No update on Lakewood Estates’ effort to install a dock. Imlay City Fish Farm is trying to source Pike, otherwise will stock Largemouth Bass. Pete has been in contact with Sarah from DEQ. They recommend stocking Pike, Small and Large Mouth Bass, Croppie, and Shiners. She volunteered that when they surveyed West Acres for their shoreline improvement permit they were quite surprised at the number of boats present without a marina permit. She will get back to us with any follow-up information. Fish stocking will be 2nd or 3 rd week of October. Will send email to all members and Social will provide cider and donuts. The fishing tournament is this Saturday.
  4. V.P. Report: Absent.
  5. Secretary Report: No report.
  6. Treasurers Report: Before heading to Florida will run 2021 invoices with 1/1 date to eliminate confusion – Secretary to send. Including past due balance and a donation box for fireworks. Greg needs to renew state filing. Need to renew website. West Acres still has not paid 2019 or 2020 dues.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a. Social – Working on sponsors for 2021 fireworks. Feb 20 the tentative date for the winter party. Will provide cider and donuts for fish stocking. Greg to send email before.
    b. Water Quality/Ecology – Absent
    c. Lake safety – absent – Curt Chowanik may be interested.
    d. Public Relations – Absent.
    e. Associations – None.

  8. New Business – Presentation from Rich Nawrot and Art Jalkanen regarding the expansion of membership boundaries of Twin Beach Civic Association. Greg motioned and Mike C seconded the motion to introduce a resolution that MSLIA is opposed to any expansion of boundaries for all member associations due to the current capacity issues with our lake.
    Motion passed unanimously.
  9. Old Business – Discussion regarding West Acres and their reluctance to meet with us to try to resolve the current over-limit dockage issue as well as the possibility of setting up a meeting with Steve Kaplan. Discussion regarding collection effort to be undertaken regarding past-due dues payments including possible liens that could be placed. West Acres Credit Union
    discussion. Next meeting at Chip’s Terrace again (dress for the weather!) 10/14/2020.
    November meeting will be at Al Proulx’s house on Eldora, next to Tripps boat launch.