MSLIA September 2019 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Mad Hatter Pub
- Called to Order at 7:07 PM. Present: Pete S, Greg A, Kara D, Mike D, Bob B, Lynn C, Jared H, Chip C, Al P.
- Approved minutes of July Meeting.
- Presidents Report: Will contact DNR and Imlay City Fish Farm regarding stocking the lake this fall.
- V.P. Report: Late.
- Treasurers Report: Gave $9,100 to Jim Mann to invest. West Acres and Twin Beach Civic have not paid yet. Don’t have the D&O insurance yet. Looked int Pine Lake’s policy and they are paying $1,700 with liability insurance. Chip will try to get Doug to lower price, otherwise we will proceed with Doug’s quote. We have about $27,000 in our investment account and we should have $2,600 in excess funds this year if everyone pays as expected.
- Secretary Report: No report
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – absent -Went over plans for the summer party. Greg to send out reminder
b. Water Quality – absent.
c. Ecology/Biology – Performing the secchi disk readings periodically.
d. Lake safety – absent. Will put the jump boat info into the email reminder.
e. Public Relations – absent.
f. Government Relations – The boat slip workshop was cancelled. The WB Twp meeting
discussed our issue and is willing to start and committee with staff, DNR, and interested
parties but will cancel that if we are able to reach accord.
g. Associations – None present. - New Business – Planning to go to Sidecar after the annual meeting.
- Old Business – Chip went over the marine patrol program information that he has received. Greg to forward original Tri-party agreement from out last look at this. Meeting adjourned at 8:09, next meeting – floating again.