MSLIA May 2019 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA May 2019 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 8, 2019
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Caruso Residence

  1. Meeting called to order 7:12 PM. Present: Greg Andrick, Pete Saules, Bob Barbour, Mike Caruso, Chip Campbell, Jim Mann
  2. Approved minutes of April Meeting.
  3. Presidents Report: Went over our A/R. Hung house sold. Discussed trying to raise dues at 6/7meeting. Lake level is back up.
  4. V.P. Report: absent.
  5. Treasurers Report: Chip Campbell – Went over report. Will discuss investments at summer meeting. Will talk to Doug Browne about D&O insurance and verify deductible amount.
  6. Secretary Report: Went over newsletter..
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a.  Social – absent -6/7 – Annual meeting, 7/20 Summer party – float party, 7/4 boat parade, 8/3 boat rally .
    b.  Water Quality – Need to add Mark Michon to distribution.
    c.  Ecology/Biology – absent
    d.  Lake safety – Jim Mann, Bob Barbour and Jeff Carroll have megaphones to help enforce no wake.
    e.  Public Relations – absent.
    f.  Government Relations – Discussed strategy on boat dock non-response from WB.  Discussed possible wake law revision introduced in state house.
    g.  Associations – None present.

  8. New Business – Planning to go to Sidecar after the annual meeting.
  9. Old Business – Adjourned at 8:15, next board meeting will be 7/10 – floating meeting