MSLIA November 2018 Monthly Meeting Minutes

MSLIA November 2018 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 27, 2018
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Carroll Residence

  1. Meeting called to order 7:08 PM. Present: Pete Saules, Greg Andrick, Jeff Carroll, MikeCaruso, Jeff Payne, Bob Barbour, Jim Mann, Matt Barron, Doug Browne
  2. Approved minutes of October Meeting.
  3. Presidents Report: Pete will pick up 150 certified Pike Saturday morning at Imlay City. Requested $200 for shiners to stock with them. Greg motioned to approve total of $1,700 for fish stocking, Jeff C 2nd, Approved. Discussed the WRC 12/13 meeting regarding replacement of the dam between Upper and Middle. WB Twp provided a one-page on lakefront residential docking, but nothing in writing for associations. Verbally the township states that Westacres is allowed no more than 33 boats or they need to get a marina permit. Donegan won’t provide the number that Westacres believes is accurate and asked Pete if the MSLIA would suggest a number. We have no interest in doing the townships work. Pete requested Greg draft an email from him recapping our understanding of the prior meeting on boat allocations in non-conforming property.
  4. V.P. Report: Merchandise review.
  5. Treasurers Report: Went over Chips report. – We still need to approve a budget for 2019.
  6. Secretary Report: no report.
  7. Standing Committee reports

    a.  Social – Feb 9 is the date for winter party. Doug may have a conflict and if so, is unable to sponsor.
    b.  Water Quality – absent.
    c.  Ecology/Biology – absent.
    d.  Lake safety – We will stand pat on our current investment strategy.
    e.  Public Relations – absent.
    f.  Government Relations – Covered much in the President’s report. Will plan to attend the WRC meeting with Jeff Payne, Jeff Carroll and Greg.
    g.  Associations – None present.

  8. New Business – None
  9. Old Business – Meeting adjourned at 9:00. Next meeting is 1/8 at Bob Barbour’s 7658 Detroit Blvd.