MSLIA July 2018 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Chip Campbell’s – 7346 Colony
- Meeting called to order 7:10 PM. Present: Pete Saules, Chip Campbell, Al Proulx, Bob Barbour, Sean Hook – Twin Beach Civic
- Approved minutes of June Annual and May Monthly meetings.
- Presidents Report: Pete talked about the water being murky, perhaps due to overflow of weed chemical treatment from
- Upper Straits (just completed). He talked to Upper Straits Board member (Bob Harris) about their weed management program (weed harvesting//chemical treatment combo program). Discussion was held and suggestion made to have a 3 Lakes (Upper/Middle/Lower Straits) meeting in the fall to discuss shared topics of interest, to include:
Weed Management
Drain Augmentation
Also advised that the Fish Farm will remain open for another year – will use the approved $1500 in 2nd/3rd week of October to get our fish - V.P. Report: Absent.
- Treasurers Report: Checking balance: $19,335, Investments: $17,180. Wrote off $5,154 in old debt during this invoice cycle due to changes of ownership which we were never made aware of. 70% have paid (150); forecasting 78% participation ($$ and members). Need assistance in having discussion with Twin Beach Park Association (outstanding dues of $4,762). Requested update to Fireworks GO FUND ME amount; need discussion to add $10,000 as place holder in 2019 budget development for 2019 Fireworks (perhaps do joint program with West Acres) . Need bills from 6/30Summer Social ($500 budgeted)
- Secretary Report: Absent.
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – (via e-mail) Summer party held 6/30 1pm at CEBIA auxiliary park. About 40 attendees. All enjoyed. Have proposed winner of Boat parade held 7/4 but need approval to award Swag Bag (put together by VP). Fireworks GO FUND ME amount stands at $1,625.
b. Water Quality – Continuing Secchi Disk (clarity) and phosphorous monitoring
c. Ecology/Biology – (see above).
d. Lake safety – absent.
e. Public Relations – absent.
f. Government Relations – absent
g. Lake Associations – Twin Beach Park talked about various issues (maintaining membership and dues collection; site improvements); have 60’ dockage-7 boats; can go to 100’ and up to another 6-8 boats if want (issue with neighbors) - New Business – 2019 Fireworks (Chip) -suggest we talk to Westacres to see if they are interested in a joint program – Defer
- Sheriff’s Patrol (Chip) – would like to re-visit cost and capability – Defer
- Association Dockage (Chip) – do we know what are the max # boats each association can have? Is it defined by DNR/WB Twsp, or “on your honor”? Need to document and share in Newsletter; DOCUMENT results- Defer
- Homeowner Dockage (Chip) – several cases where it appears all watercraft (pontoons, power boats, jet skis) could not be all MC’d to property owner & address (WB Twsp requirement); WB Twsp Code enforcement advised that the Planning Dept is developing an ordnance as to how many watercraft can be docked at each dock (Amy Neary, Director, 248/451-4828) – similar to Orchard Lake’s; we should get clarity on this and share with membership next year; WB Twsp will go to property and survey MC’s if requested; DOCUMENT results– Defer
- Goose Round Up (Chip) – requested by The Johnsons (3750 S. Elder); appears Upper Straits has two folks certified by DNR to do “Egg Replacement” and “Nest Destruction” programs; approach Upper Straits for assistance? – Defer
- Raft Removal (Chip) – Request (several made over the years) from Jay Koby to remove abandoned raft at east end of lake by Green Lake Road; add to next lake cleanup program – Defer
- Old Business – Weed Harvesting: Bob Barbour volunteered to show Mike Mogle’s team where we have major issues with weeds (like Bob did last year); since we haven’t heard from Cody or Mike on this, Chip will attempt to contact Mike prior to the early August date to confirm services/days, pre-cut inspection with Bob B, and final contract details
Meeting adjourned at 8:00. Next meeting is 8/8 (Wednesday) at Pete’s house (to start- maybe go off on boats)