MSLIA 2017 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes
Friday, June 3, 2017
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Bloomer Park
- Meeting called to order 7:07 PM.
- Greg read minutes of 2016 meeting. Minutes were approved.
- Presidents Report: Pete thanked Carim for his hard work as our Ecology committee chair and asked for volunteers for a replacement. Went over the prior year which was normal with no big issues. Talked about the upcoming lake weeding, runoff from the bottom of Alcott at Stoney Beach. Provided the Water Quality committee report: This year we will be stocking Northern Pike based on the every-other-year recommendation provided by the DNR. Last year we stocked Crappie.
- Vice President Report: Absent.
- Treasurers Report: Absent. Greg provided balances from the previous board meeting: $13,400 in checking and approximately $16,000 in savings (provided by Jim Mann).
- Secretary’s Report: Gave overview of prior year activity. Will add Pat Scarpaci to board email
list. - Standing Committee and Association reports
a. Social – Matt Barron – We had a great Winterfest – Chili Cook-off this past February and sold $180 in merchandise. Still have lots of t-shirts for sale. Boat parade will be on the 4th of July at 7pm, Summer party is July 8 th at CEBIA Auxiliary at 1 PM. Reminded everyone to visit our Facebook page and requested input for other activities.
b. Water Quality – Cody Kurzer – Covered in President’s report.
c. Ecology/Biology – vacant.Government Relations – Absent.
d. Public Relations – Absent.
e. Lake safety – Mr. Mann discussed the benefits of Michigan Lakes and Streams Association and requested that we become more active and attend their annual conference. - Westacres – Scott Donegan – Summarized the new boat launch sign program which he spearheaded. No wake ordinance signs were placed at all of the association boat launches that are modeled after the Bloomer Park launch sign.New Business: Chip Campbell volunteered to take over Treasurer and Ron Flannery will help with our Quickbooks and invoice collection. Pat Scarpaci asked that our weeder spend some extra time at the west canal. There are a lot of weeds and it hasn’t been done thoroughly in a few years. Matt Ureste also will consider joining the board. Greg will add all to distribution list for next board meeting.
- Old Business – Greg Andrick motioned to adjourn, Matt seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM.
Greg Andrick
Margaret Andrick
Gary Witalac
Pete Saules
Karen Saules
Mike Tomczyk
Kerri Tomczyk
Mike Coraci
Barb Ford