MSLIA 2012 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes
Friday, June 1, 2012
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Westacres Clubhouse
- Meeting called to order 7:06 PM.
- Pete introduced Board and members present
- Greg read minutes of 2011 meeting.
- Presidents Report: Order of business, Dues collection update, weed cutting schedule, drainage issue update, MSLIA now on Facebook, Sheriff update, Bald Eagle sighting, fish stocking update, Water quality and testing overview, date of fishing tournament and boat rally. Invitation to join board.
- Treasurers Report: Received 124 payment out of 199 invoices. $13,500 in bank. Between weeding and social activities we will spend most of our available funds.
- Secretary’s Report: Provided updates on website and email requests.
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – Mike Mankvitz – 6/23 is the summer party schedule for this year at CEBIA auxiliary beach. Will need power cords. Provided recap of winter party. Pete’s chili won 2nd place.
b. Water Quality – Mark Boley – Introduced Juday and Mike Mogle from Mike’s Clearwater Harvesting. We stocked 250 pike in October 2011, not looking at stocking this year. Mike Mogle told us that Upper Straits was already having week growth issues due to the early spring and lack of hard freeze.
c. Ecology/Biology – Carim Calkins – Eurasian Milfoil is spreading rapidly. Mike Mogle agreed that other lakes are having the same problem. Secchi disk reading was 25’ in May and 12’ over Memorial weekend. Bill McKettrick spoke about federal grant money that may be available and that Jerry Smith may have more info. Estimate about $10,000 per house in order to dredge the lake. Will call Bay Pointe to find out schedule for seawall replacement. The lake drain on Cedar St. was replaced. Don working on drain at Alston. Need to regrade, install silt sacks break up concrete culvert and convert to bio-swale. Mike Mogle will rent us his backhoe in September for less than the $5,000 quote we have received.
d. Government Relations – Mike Caruso Continuing to monitor available grant money with the aim of connecting Middle and Lower Straits. State is encouraging the expansion of public access so this is an avenue to pursue. RCOC is not planning any major work in the near future.
e. Lake safety – absent. - New Business: West Acres – Mark Menning – gave update on rip-rap project
- CEBIA – Matt Moskal – Pigroast scheduled for 7/28. 7/4 open house. They replaced the rope volleyball perimeter and remodeled their beach house. Last year membership was 79, usually 110.
- Edith Thompson a 50 year member and CEBIA treasurer passed away. Discussed dock plan which is tabled for now.
- Bob motioned to add a 2nd weeding, moving the first one up in July and then cutting again in August, Greg 2nd, no opposition, approved.
Mr. Schuman thanked the members for their work and gave them his vote of confidence.