MSLIA 2011 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes
Friday, June 3, 2011
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Marshbank Park
- Meeting called to order 7:08 PM. Present: Greg Andrick, Margaret Andrick, John Bremner, Terri Menning, Mark Menning, Pete and Karen Saules, Jeff Carroll, Mark Boley, Carim Calkins, Bob and Betty Barbour, Ed and Nancy Stakoe, Mike and Laura Caruso, Vahram and Ilene Fantazian, Ed & Shari Krasinski, Karyn Kokeny, Mike Mankvitz, John Bonnett, Don Piggott, Jim Mann, Gary Witalac, Linea Coles
- Pete introduced Board and members present
- Greg read minutes of 2010 meeting
- Presidents Report: The HBO series “Hung” is currently shooting their 3rd season on the lake. Heather Higgins passed away last year. Bay Pointe caught up on their past dues, and is looking at seawall replacement. The sheriff will not be patrolling the lake again this year due to budget constraints. Provided group with an overview of CEBIA plan to install docks on the point they own east of the main property. Provided update on Westacres shoreline remediation project. Discussed upcoming events including boat rally and fishing tournament and invited people to attend board meetings.
- Treasurers Report: Handed out 2010 end of year report and YTD financial report. Mr. Mann discussed moving our long term fund to MFS or DWX Growth.
- Secretary’s Report: Provided updates on website and email requests.
- Standing Committee reports
a. Social – Mike Mankvitz – 8/20 is the summer party schedule for this year at Twin Beach Park with Duffy King band for entertainment. Provided recap of winter party.
b. Water Quality – Mark Boley – Weed harvest scheduled for 3rd week of July with a new contractor. Fish stocking will take place in October. Waiting for permits for 250 Pike. Ed Stakoe wanted wants to remind members that if everyone paid their dues we could cut the weeds twice per season.
c. Ecology/Biology – Carim Calkins – Clarity has been up and down because of heavy rains. Recorded a 13’ Secchi disk reading on Memorial Day. Talked about road drain issues at Twin Beach Country Club and current status of discussions with WB Twp and RCOC to fix runoff from Alston and Cedar streets. Don Piggott provided updates on his discussions with officials and the root cause of the problem. John Bonnett is seeing the same problem on Elder St.
d. Government Relations – Mike Caruso – Discussed process for applying for grants for projects and the need for a catalog of issues
e. Lake safety – Mr. Mann talked about self-policing. - New Business: West Acres – Mark Menning – This year they are removing the septic and installing a sewer pump for their beach bathroom. Discussed ongoing shoreline project.
- We will accept Mr. Mann’s investment advice.
- Discussed sending a letter to outline problems at Bloomer boat launch to Parks and Recreation