MSLIA 2014 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

MSLIA 2014 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

Friday, June 6, 2014
7:00 PM, Eastern Time
Bloomer Park

  1. Meeting called to order 7:04 PM. 
  2. Greg read minutes of 2013 meeting.
  3. Presidents Report: Pete Saules introduced the board.  Discussed the previous year’s summer and winter parties.  Gave congratulations to Linea for winning the Chili cook-off, Pete came in 3rd. The water level is currently high.  The weeds don’t seem to be as bad as last year at this time.  Dues collection is going well.  Discussed last year’s boat parade. Gave preview of committee reports.  There will be no Twin Beach Market fishing tournament this year.
  4. Vice President Report: Jeff Carroll described the design for a new t-shirt with all of the beaches on it.  It should be ready and available at the summer party.
  5. Treasurers Report: Bob Barbour – Received 130 payments out of 198 invoices for with a total of $10,960 paid.  Upcoming expenses for the year are forecast to be $11,871 including weeding – $6,200 and Fish stocking – $2,350.  We have a little over $13,000 in checking so we have enough to weed twice if needed this year, otherwise we will put the extra into our investment account to cover future unexpected expenses.
  6. Secretary’s Report:  Nothing new to report.
  7. Standing Committee and Association reports

    a.  Social – Matt Barron – Boat Parade will be held Friday 7/4 at 7PM. Boats should gather at east end of lake. There will be a prize for best boat.
    b.  Water Quality – Mark Boley – Weeding will take place the last week of July or the first week of August. They will cut for a total of 40 machine hours and we have already paid $2,000 to secure our time slot. We have not finalized the details for this year’s fish stocking. Cody Kurzer gave a Michigan Lakes and Streams Association update. He enrolled us in an invasive species study.
    c.  Ecology/Biology – Carim Calkins – Ice left the lake late this year. Recorded a 12’ Secchi Disk reading during the period while the lake was turning over. Last week recorded a 25’ Secchi Disk depth reading. Sent in Phosphorous samples this spring and will again in the fall. We are planning to get a baseline weed study preformed this year. Zebra Mussels appear to be smaller and fewer in numbers this year.
    d.  Government Relations – Mike Caruso – absent.
    e.  Public Relations – Linea Coles – Discussed the article about Middle Straits that she was interviewed for and which was published in Oakland Lakefront. Oakland Lakefront is going to be published year-round with a new format and will be adding an event calendar. Dawn Williams offered to help with Facebook page and has pictures to upload.
    f.  Lake safety – James Mann – Absent.
    g.  Westacres – Mark Menning reported that there are no big plans for this year. WA will be policing Boy Scout Point.
    h.  Bay Pointe – Will continue with Seawall replacement project.
    i.  Twin Beach Civic – Nanette Nawrot – Members have concerns and issues especially with mooring.
    j.  Twin Beach Park – Greg Andrick – TBPA is finalizing plans for its new beach house and hopes to start construction next year.
  1. New Business: 

a.  Bill McKettrick discussed an issue at the very east end of the lake in front of his house.  There are weeds and muck.  He would like us to pursue a Federal grant to de-muck the lake.  Bill gave the information to the board last year and said that he was told the board was too busy.  Mike had looked into several grants and they all required 50% matching funds from us. 

b.  Cody will check in the Phragmite elimination with West Bloomfield

c.  Bobbi Carroll requested that we have a lake clean-up in conjunction with the summer party to clean the wetlands at the east end of the lake.

d.  A request was made that we ask Baypointe or Commerce Twp if they could remove the limbs in the canal at the west end of the lake.

e.  A request was made to change our invoices to include a spot for additional donation.

f.  Mr. Chen pointed out that the wind blows primarily from the West during the winter and this blows debris to the east even though it flows east to west. He paid $1,500 about 14 years ago to have some people come and rake out his bottom land.

Old Business – Greg motioned to adjourn, Jeff seconded.  Meeting adjourned 8:07 PM.


Greg Andrick
Linea Coles
Mike and Keri Tomczyk
Bob and Betty Barbour
Nanette Nawrot
Gail Laveroni
Kerri & Mike Tomczyk
Bill McKettrick
Gary Witalac
Matt Barron
Cody Kurzer
Pete and Karen Saules
Carim Calkins
Ed and NancyStakoe
Jian Chen
James Bee
Mark Boley
Jeff and Bobbi Carroll
Gary & Avis Aho
Jim & Debbie Dutton
Charlene Ray
Dawn Williams